Master Python with Expert Guidance: Dynamic Online Training with Real Instructors

Enrollment Options

Sessions Duration Cost (INR)
Basic 10 10 Days 8,000 16,000
Basic 20 20 Days 6,000 12,000
Intermediate 30 Days 9,000 18,000
Advanced 45 Days 15,000 30,000
Industry-Ready 6 Months (Per day 6 sessions) 60,000 120,000


Sessions Duration Cost (INR)
Working with Database - MySql & NoSql Coming Soon Coming Soon
Web Scraping / Data Parsing Coming Soon Coming Soon
Django Coming Soon Coming Soon
API Coming Soon Coming Soon

One of the notable advantages of online Python training with a real trainer is the opportunity to engage in live sessions where participants can interact directly with experienced instructors.

Embarking on a journey to master Python programming is an exciting endeavor, and opting for online training with a real trainer can make the learning experience more engaging and effective. Online Python training programs with live instructors offer a dynamic and interactive environment, ensuring that learners receive personalized guidance throughout their coding journey.

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